Erica Weinstein MD, Psychiatrist

Dr. Weinstein is a local specialist in the area of General Adult Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry in Monterey County, with an office in Salinas California.

General adult psychiatry:

Individual treatment for problems with feelings, thoughts and actions which interfere with a person’s happiness, their function at work and/or the satisfaction they would like in their personal relationships.


Dr. Weinstein has the experience of over 25 years in private practice in New York and New Jersey. She has dealt with a range of issues, including Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia as well as problems which can occur at the important junctures of adult life – embarking on new types of work and study, finding or changing jobs, moving away from home, beginning (and ending) relationships, and many other decision points along the way.

She was trained at a time when psychiatrists were educated and supervised in psychotherapy as well as medication management. With the widespread success of pharmacologic treatment has come the recognition that the best treatment can often involve meaningful contact with a therapist along with medication. When possible, treatment by one practitioner offering both can be the safest and most efficient.

Forensic psychiatry:

Forensic psychiatry is the realm where psychiatry and law overlap. Dr. Weinstein has worked in both the civil and criminal areas of forensic psychiatry. In civil cases she has evaluated litigants and testified regarding psychological damages and medical malpractice.

In criminal cases she has evaluated defendants and testified regarding competence to stand trial and criminal responsibility. She also performed assessments of dangerousness for hospitalized defendants and sex offenders.